Careers with a Purpose at Fresenius

Learn more about our global healthcare group and find contacts in your region.

With us, it’s never the same. Except our commitment: Ever better medicine for ever more people.

Fresenius employs about 190,000 employees worldwide, all of whom are committed to providing cutting-edge medicine to more people. We are proud of our collective commitment and what we achieve. In international, decentralized teams, we work as equals to improve the lives of ill people.

No matter which area of the Group they work in, our employees convey the purpose of our collective aspiration and action on every continent: for themselves, for patients and for Fresenius. Our work saves lives and makes exceptional healthcare a reality — both working directly with patients and as experts in the background.

If this sounds like you, we want to meet you. We're looking for people who want to join us in challenging the status quo, taking the initiative and trying innovative, new approaches.

You want to find a job that creates purpose for you?

On this website you can search for contacts at Fresenius companies worldwide.

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The multi-faceted global player in the healthcare market

Fresenius is a global healthcare group — which means facing different patient requirements on each continent and in each country. Requirements that can only be met with expertise and skill in the target market and sectors. Using modern technology and a sophisticated organization structure, we are able to successfully work across national borders and bring our specialized knowledge where it's needed. We take a networked approach and offer our employees international opportunities.

Helping people

When you leave something behind that helps people, you know it's Fresenius. Learn more about Matthias' job at Fresenius Kabi.

Facts and figures

~ 70,000


take place in Fresenius Helios hospitals anually.

Every 4th

blood donation

worldwide is collected in a Fresenius Kabi blood bag.

For 820

healthcare facilities

worldwide with a total of 207,000 patient beds, Fresenius Vamed provides technical services.

Proud to be Fresenius

Around the world, our employees work towards the goal of offering better medicine for more people.

Giving children a normal life

When it's not just a job but your calling, you know it's Fresenius. Learn more about Marcel's job at Fresenius Helios. 

Our fields of work in a constantly growing industry

Every day at Fresenius, we work to provide better medicine to more people all over the world.

The healthcare market is a very sizeable industry. It is constantly growing due to demographic development and general medical progress, as well as greater awareness about health in industrial countries and increasing prosperity in developing countries.

Our products and services are helping to shape these sectors and contribute to this growth.

Mission and Vision

Our Mission
Our Vision

We save and improve human lives with affordable, accessible, and innovative healthcare products and the highest quality in clinical care.

We are the trusted, market-leading healthcare company that unites cutting-edge technology and human care to shape next-level therapies.

The Fresenius Principles

Our Principles form the basis of our company culture. They describe what we stand for and how we operate, collaborate, approach challenges and make decisions.

Follow us on Social Media

Take a look behind the scenes of our healthcare group and stay up to date with the latest news on careers at Fresenius.

From one pharmacy to a global healthcare group

The origins of Fresenius: The Hirsch Pharmacy in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Over the last 100 years our company has developed from a small pharmacy to an international group. Today nearly 190,000 people work at Fresenius in over 80 countries, all for the benefit of patients. We are very proud of what we do.

What country would you like to work in?

Select your region and a country to find relevant jobs and contacts at Fresenius.

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